There are a lot of pictures I’ve earmarked for blog posts that just don’t have enough meat to stand on their own. Here’s a photo dump of quirky things we’ve seen across our trip.
Water Bus – Budapest
Pretty sure a strong wind would blow this thing on its side. It looks amazing though.
Stern Beer – Krakow
This name cracks me up. Tiara doesn’t find it funny. We leave it to you, readers.
Gummy Walker – St Paul De Vence
These gummies came with the bill at a thoroughly unremarkable restaurant. From humble beginnings come great things…
Bootleg Cars Display – Czestochowa
For some reason the strip mall in Czestochowa had a bunch of cars that had been chopped up and made to look like Cars. The steering wheel in this one is actually hooked up. Impressive chop jobs.
Cairn – Trail around Vence
Fun fact, Tiara and I have taken dog surveys (highly scientific!) that say we should own a Cairn Terrier.
Bathroom Sign at Hanage Restaurant – Berlin
I have an acquaintance who admitted to me of using western toilets in a squat toilet manner (figure 4). So it is possible Hanage has had these other problems as well.
These Pretzels are Making Me Thirsty – Copenhagen Airport
Tiara and I have been slowly rewatching Seinfeld on this trip after hours. Obviously, we had to own this bag of These Pretzels are Making Me Thirsty.
Pirate Wine Glass at La Cantine Restaurant – Paris
We had a really great set lunch at this place, and I fully intended to write about it. The skeleton chef wine glass will have to suffice.
I have no idea at Jardin d’Acclimitation – Paris
Okay, so I looked it up, and apparently transhumance is a real word:
the action or practice of moving livestock from one grazing ground to another in a seasonal cycle, typically to lowlands in winter and highlands in summer.
But I’m still going to picture a parade of variegated transhuman cow-people roaming the astroturf.